[VNNET] Resource [DBTech] Credits Intergration for XF2

[VNNET] Resource [DBTech] Credits Intergration for XF2


Admin hổ trợ mục này

Đã hổ trợ

Tác giả này sẽ phản hồi trong thời gian 5 ngày làm việc.

9 bình luận được tìm thấy

I have paid but not received the product.


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

Dear IanO'Neill, Sorry for the inconvenience. The transaction failed during API processing. Please tell me how to contact support.


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

We have refunded you

The refund is appreciated however I still require this resource (This does allow for users to set the credit amount for selling resources?) However I have attemped to reach out to you in other ways please contact me via Telegram t.me/ianwoneill or via email ianwoneill@gmail.com

Same case as the other user, i Paid with paypal, was redirected to the dashboard and i not received the plugin. Please make a refund (TR ID 1A2036569T105001N) or send the plugin. Thanks


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

I have seen your payment. We recently had a problem with Paypal. Do you still want to buy the addon or want us to refund you.

Plugin please. Thanks

by the way, the email is the same as my paypal address, nuevoseller@gmail.com


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

Payment is active. You can download it in your download page: https://dichvuweb.top/members/downloads Please remove the report from Paypal

Admin i close the case 3 days ago, but i cannot use your plugins. During installation says: "This domain www.electronicaar.net not license in Dichvuweb.top, please contact admin@dichvuweb.top" woud you like to check? thanks


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

Dear, please reinstall it.

Perfect Admin! Works. Thank you very much!!!


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

Thanks for purchased!

Hello Admin, i have a simple question..In this plugin, the seller can receive the credits from buyer after purchase? or not work as Brivium. Thank you very much!


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

Dear FrancoCordoba, Yes it does, you will have to create an event for it to work.

Perfect Admin!, we were trying today, however we found a bug, if you switch "/purchase" to "/download" in the resource url, the one get of Purchase button, the "buyer" can get the resource without spent credits, this is using DragonByte Credits 5.7.7 we doesnt try with the new dragonbyte, can you check it please? Thank you for the support

well after a few test, i can say the problem was [XenGenTr] RM Ekstra 1.0.2 and not your addon, please advice to the future buyers!


Admin Đã mua Tác giả

Dear Franco Cordoba, Thanks!